Monday, October 10, 2011

So Much Drama, So Little Time

Just like I promised, I'm back to talk about Gossip Girl. The season premiere was Monday, September 26th at 8pm, so I'm a little late. It's getting difficult to stay on track with these shows, I must admit. Well, let's get to the review.

Previously on Gossip Girl: 
Georgina Sparks makes a return to NY to find everyone freaking out because Charlie is off her meds and pretending she's Serena, Blair is being held hostage by Russel Thorpe, Chuck comes to the rescue and the two of them head to Louis' fundraiser, but stop first at a bar mitzvah, which is where things get interesting. Seeing them having fun together like this reminds me of why I like them together. So, in a room near the bar mitzvah, they have a little grown up fun. However, when they return to the fundraiser, and Blair is JUST about to end things with Louis, Chuck steps in and tells them they should go through with the wedding. Damn him. Nate and Chuck take off together to God-knows-where, Dan and Eric go to the Hamptons, Serena heads to Cali where she meets a movie director, oh, and there's a pregnancy test in Serena and Blair's trash that can belong to either of them. Dun, dun, dun. Also, Charlie isn't actually cousin Charlie. She's just a random Floridian con-artist hired by Serena's aunt Carol in order to get real-Charlie's trust fund. And Vanessa has stolen Dan's manuscript and has it published without his consent. With that being said, this sets us up for season five. Excited? I am.

Season 5: 
Episode 1
The season starts off with Serena still working for the nice boy she met in the season four finale. Turns out, he's not so nice. Serena takes over his job and in turn gets sabotaged by him. She quits, admits defeat, but yet gets offered an even better job because of it. Oh, Serena. Do you always get what you want in the end?

Meanwhile, Chuck is racing motorcycles, dating around, doing crazy stunts -- in short, he's a danger junkie. Picture the movie "Yes Man" and insert Chuck where Jim Carey should be. He tries convincing Nate and Serena to take up his "say yes" philosophy, which they attempt, leading Nate into the bedroom of Elizabeth Hurley's character, who he doesn't know the name of.

Dan gets wind of a reprint of one of his chapters of his secret manuscript and begs Prince Louis to get it killed, since it concerns his secret kiss with Blair. Not that he tells him this.

Blair is in super-diva-princess mode, complaining about wedding plans and clashing heads with her soon-to-be mother-in-law. Louis doesn't seem to be backing her up as much as she'd like and fails to turn up for an event he promised to take her to, leading Blair to freak out and run into the arms of Dan, who plans to whisk her away to the Hamptons -- fully knowing why Louis ditched her. Louis shows up, explains, Blair is pissed, and Dan gets a check from Vanessa for $10K for the book that he thought he stopped from being published.

Serena decides to stay in CA and meets Ivy/Charlie in a restaurant where she works. Ivy/Charlie reverts back to being Charlie from Florida the instant she sees Serena. I don't think she was just "acting" crazy last season.

AND: Blair and Dorota are both pregnant. Chew on that for a moment while we move on to...

Episode 2
Chuck's been paying tough guys to beat up his already very beaten up body (due to a motorcycle accident), because he's gone crazy. Actually, he's suffering from some psychological problem where he can't feel pain or any kind of feelings anymore. Dan and Nate take it upon themselves to help their friend. Cute.

Louis' sister Beatrice is in town and wants some bonding time with Blair, who is suffering from serious morning sickness. So naturally, Beatrice concludes that Blair is bulimic and determines to prove it to Louis. Somehow, Blair ends up spilling her guts in a bathroom (figuratively and physically) and tells Dan that she's pregnant. Which, of course, Beatrice overhears and "graciously" keeps her secret. We know that's going to backfire.

Nate meets with his mystery woman and actually finds out her name and she offers him a job. Doing what? I have no idea. I don't think he knows either.

Back in Cali, Ivy and Serena are spending tons of time together, completely uprooting Ivy's life there. In the end, Serena gives her her trust fund (which isn't actually hers if you remember) and the two of them go back to New York, leaving Ivy's boyfriend in the dust. This girl is tapped.

It ends with Blair and Dan bonding, with Dan telling her that even if her whole life falls apart around her, she'll still have him. AW! 

Now that we're all caught up, let me just There's too much that goes on in this show to even keep up with it. Which, I suppose is the reason why I love it.

I like Blair and Chuck together. I always have. They're clearly made for each other in a way that no one else can compare. Or so I thought... This whole Dan/Blair situation has me all confused! Why am I suddenly looking forward to the scenes that they have together? Why did I want Dan to whisk Blair away from Louis and New York? Why do I get so invested in these shows? Okay, ignore that last question. I'm completely going against my whole belief in true love -- mainly, Blair and Chuck have to be together. But Dan... Darn it. I don't even know what to think.

Anyway. Charlie, Ivy, whoever she is, is all sorts of crazy and I'm curious to know what's going to happen there. Obviously she can't hold up the act for long. Maybe the real Charlie will pay a visit to NY? Or maybe Max, Ivy's boyfriend from Cali will make an appearance? Who knows, but I'll laugh at her misfortune.

Speaking of crazy. Chuck is going off the deep end. I feel for him, but he's being a tad dramatic. After all, he's the one who chose to let Blair go off with too-good-to-be-true Prince Charming/Louis.

I have to say, I like where Dan's storyline is heading this year. It's keeping my interest and it's much newer than his pining for Serena like most of the other seasons. I can't say the same about Nate, however. I really like Nate's character -- how can I not? -- but he's just so pointless to the story most of the time! I mean, other than being there for his friends when they're having meltdowns, which admittedly happens a lot, he doesn't do much in the way of fueling the storyline. But, Dan got interesting, maybe Nate will too...

What I'm most interested in is Blair's pregnancy. What's going to happen to her perfect future? Because you know it's Chuck's baby. That's the kind of drama that this show thrives on. And I'm sure there's tons to come.

The third episode aired tonight. Good thing I recorded it. I'm going to watch it tonight, take some notes, and post later during the week. Until then!

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