Friday, October 14, 2011

Oh Dear...

So I'm back with the recap of The Vampire Diaries for the past two weeks and oh. my. goodness. tons of stuff has happened.

In the October 6th episode Stefan continues to act like he's best friends with Klaus and possibly could be in love with Rebekah. The key word here is "act". We all know that he's madly in love with Elena and is just doing all of this to protect her, right? Nothing can break their bond, not even crazy evil original vampires. Well, keep this in mind as you continue to read. Rebekah is adjusting to life after her ninety year nap and Klaus is trying to locate where Elena's necklace is (not that he knows it's Elena's necklace). He gets a witch to help him locate it and she does, but doesn't tell him that Elena has it. Instead, she tries to torture information out of Stefan because she wants the necklace for herself. Luckily, Katherine comes to save the day. I know, unbelievable, no? In Katherine's short visit she also manages to steal the necklace and find out that Jeremy is seeing dead people.

Meanwhile back in Mystic Falls, Damon and Elena are growing closer and closer, a fact that isn't missed by Alaric and Caroline. The two of them both try talking some sense into the budding couple and both fail. Elena is in denial, because, what type of person would that make her if she "switches Salvatores," as Caroline puts it? "Human," is Caroline's response. Which is funny because really, how many normal humans are actually on this show? And Damon simply doesn't want to hear another speech about what he should and shouldn't do.

During a Founder's Day event (yes, another one) the council meets and Mayor Lockwood, Sheriff Forbes, and Damon are all teamed up to announce that nothing out of the ordinary is going on in the town and they've seen the worst from the vampires. Ha. Then, Caroline's dad shows up ready to blow their spot (even though he had been compelled to forget earlier in this episode). Apparently, compulsion doesn't work on him cause he has some tricks up his sleeve. Damon decides to kill him, despite Alaric's protest, which leads to him killing Alaric. Luckily Alaric has the ring on so he's not permanently dead, but he still wakes up completely pissed and decides to join the town council to fight against vampires. Caroline is able to save her dad from Damon and he later tells her she'll never be okay again as long as she's a vampire, then leaves town. What a jerk. I have a feeling that won't be the last time we see him.

Katherine shows up at Damon's door and convinces him to leave town for a spontaneous road trip. He agrees, since he had just had a fight with Elena about how "he's not Stefan blah blah blah" and she can't "tame" him. Which is true, but other than Elena I don't know who actually wants him to be like Stefan...I like his character the way he is.

Finally, Rebekah figures out that Stefan isn't being completely honest with her and Klaus so they knock him out and when he wakes up he's in the back of a truck. When Klaus reveals where they are, my only reaction was, "Oh crap...oh crap...oh crap, oh crap..." They're in Mystic Falls. Which means Klaus is going to find out that Elena is alive...which means that he's going to realize she needs to die in order for him to create hybrids...and although it's a television show in which Elena is the main character, so she technically can't die, I have no idea how they're going to figure out a way out of this. And I can tell that Stefan is thinking the same thing as he looks out onto the town.

And now onto this week's episode aired on October 13th:
It's senior prank night at the high school in Mystic Falls and all our favorite characters are there in the middle of the night to booby-trap the school. This means that they are all there together in one spot, perfect for Klaus to find them all no problem. He shows up, finds out that Elena is alive and tells Bonnie that she has to find a way to help him create hybrids. As a little incentive  for Bonnie to act quickly, he feeds Tyler his blood and then kills him, meaning that he's going to wake up and die anyway if he's not able to turn into a hybrid. Great. Bonnie and Matt end up reaching Vicki and she tells them that she has a message from the original witch that Elena has to die in order for Klaus to get what he wants.

Meanwhile, Damon and Katherine are on their road trip and Katherine has kidnapped Jeremy since she found out that he can talk to ghosts. Turns out that Katherine's old friend Pearl knew a way to kill Klaus but only told her daughter Anna. Who happens to be one of the two dead girls that Jeremy is able to speak to. Anna, reluctant to share information unless Jeremy is being threatened, gives up that Michael is the only person who can kill Klaus. He's a vampire vampire hunter...yeah. Anna also tells them that they don't want to wake him because he'll kill everyone. Think that will stop them? Yea, me either.
In the mean time, Stefan has been compelled to feed on Elena in the twenty minutes that Klaus has set on the countdown. Stefan explains to Elena that once he starts feeding, he won't be able to stop, because he's a ripper and rippers don't stop. Elena has a hard time buying this and continues to give him a pep talk about how she has faith in him and he can do anything he puts his mind to. The twenty minutes ends and Stefan tries extremely hard to fight the compulsion and his own instincts. He is able to say no to Klaus, but Klaus seriously compels him and makes him turn off the switch. Stefan now has no feelings other than his natural instincts, and rushes at Elena to feed on her.

Klaus overhears Bonnie and Matt talking about the information Vicki told them and Klaus realizes that Elena can't die. You see, the original witch hated Klaus so Klaus knows to do everything the opposite of what she would say. Therefore, he feeds Tyler Elena's blood and Tyler is now officially a hybrid. Elena wakes up in a hospital where they are taking her blood from her to supply Klaus. Damon arrives in time to inform Klaus of the threat that Michael possesses and Klaus flees the town.

Damon takes Elena back to his house and they have another bonding moment where he promises he'll never leave her again. He offers to make her forget but she says she needs to remember. When he gives her her necklace back, she doesn't take it and looks completely disgusted at what it represents. I think she's beginning to hate Stefan. Speaking of Stefan, he shows up at this moment and tells them that he's there to keep an eye on Elena for Klaus to make sure she doesn't go anywhere and stays out of trouble. Dun dun dun...

Seriously, this show is insane. With every week I get more and more into it. What I really want to know is WHY Klaus is creating a hybrid army. I think everyone wants to know the same thing because Rebekah asks him if it's just so he won't be alone forever. He looks like he tears up at this part, but is that really all it's about? Also, I know that Stefan flipping the switch means that Elena is going to be able to be with Damon, but I'm a little worried at how it's going to happen. As much as I want them to be together, how are they going to make it so that Elena doesn't look like a flake who switches from one guy to another? And when Stefan gets his feelings back, what will happen then? Cause, we know that eventually he's going to have to get them back. I really like how when Stefan shows up at the mansion at the end, it's like the Pilot episode all over again except with reversed roles. This time, instead of Damon, it's Stefan who is the wild impulsive vampire there to wreak havoc on the town and on Damon and Elena's relationship. Oh dear. This is going to be an extremely interesting season. Only five episodes in and it's already insane. I hope it keeps up!

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