Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Have A Problem

I realized something last night. 
I probably should have realized it a long time ago. Maybe I did and just brushed it off. I mean, I'm sure my friends have told me multiple times. Maybe that's why I never took them seriously -- I always feel like I have to disagree with them when it comes to making fun of me. But in this instance, I think they're right. I get way too invested in the fictional worlds and lives from television shows and books. I'll tell you how I made this discovery.

The mid-season finale aired last night for two of the shows I've talked about in this blog. "Gossip Girl" and "Hart of Dixie." They were fantastic episodes, per usual. Everything that finales should be. That's what sucks about it! The worst part about this time of year (other than cold weather, which, miraculously we have not even been experiencing) is that all of my favorite TV shows end for a month or longer for winter hiatus. It's ridiculous! Why can't they spare my nerves and just play my shows all the way through the Holiday season? Or all year for that matter! I can't handle the suspense and it hasn't even been twenty-four hours yet!

Let's focus on "Gossip Girl" for a moment. Blair can't decide who she wants to be with, despite being pregnant with Louis' baby. Dan decides to tell her how he feels about her, but changes his mind and instead helps Blair and Chuck get together, finally. Chuck tells her that he will love her baby "as much as I love you" and my cynical view of true love disappears for a moment as my heart melts.

Nate helps the reunited couple avoid the paparazzi and escape together into a limo that is leaking some kind of fluid that I'm assuming is very important, seeing as how as the paparazzi follow them on motorcycles, the limo crashes into a wall, sending Blair and Chuck to the hospital in critical condition. WTF show! The two of them were finally about to be happy, but nooo, let's attempt to kill them off. The show ends with Blair awake and responsive and Chuck...not so much. The preview for the next episode shows Blair losing a lot of blood (and I'm assuming the baby) and Chuck doesn't look like he'll make it. But I can't even find out for a month and a half! Truly, my least favorite time of the year. Not to mention, Charlie/Ivy admits to Rufus that she's a fraud, that she sent the blast to Gossip Girl that attracted the paparazzi that chased Blair and Chuck to the hospital, and she finally calls Carol to tell her that she's leaving NY for good. Good riddance, I hate her now more than ever.

Do you see what I mean about getting too attached to these shows? I'm beginning to hate fictional beings. When I saw that Chuck might not make it, I wanted to cry...to scream...to quit watching television forever! Such dramatic reactions for something that isn't real. I feel like that's not a normal person's response to a TV show...Maybe this winter break will be good for me. I can connect with the real world once again...Who am I kidding? That won't happen.

Meanwhile, in "Hart of Dixie", the same old stuff has been going on in Bluebell, Alabama: George and Zoe flirting, despite his engagement; Lavon and Lemon flirting, despite her engagement; and my heart aching for Wade, who finally seems to be admitting to himself the feelings he has for Zoe. Zoe's still trying to fit in with the town folk and seems to be doing at least a little better than before. The part I'm way too invested in is Wade. I know I started off liking George better, but as soon as I saw the scene with Wade and his father on the roof, I changed my mind and there's no going back.

Since Wade confronted George about his flirting with Zoe, George has backed off. Now, Wade thinks he has a shot with her, and seeing that hope is what makes me crazy. I've been there. Am there. It's frustrating in real life and now I'm torturing myself by watching it in a show! I watch shows to distract myself from my own life, not to remind me of it. And now, on top of that, I'm forced to wait over a month to find out what happens with the two of them. It's inhumane to put me through this!

Yes, I'm very invested in television shows. They're guilty pleasures of mine. They are far more interesting than my real life can or will ever be, but that's why they're made, right? To entertain, distract, teach. I'm hooked. I'll continue to watch, no matter what happens or how long I have to wait for another episode to air. I can't even hope that this month goes by quickly, because that would be wishing away my vacation. I'm torn! Too many mixed emotions! So, I'll wait patiently and entertain myself with reading, which can be torture in itself (have you read "Game of Thrones"!?!?!) Wish me luck. And if you're experiencing the same thing? Good luck to you! And Happy Holidays!

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