Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Girl, New Shows, New Blog

For me, the beginning of September does not signify school starting; the late night homework sessions, studying for tests, waking up early. It also doesn't signify the beginning of fall; the weather getting cooler, those crisp autumn days that change the leaves to beautiful colors of red, gold, and orange. No, for me it signifies the return of all of my favorite television shows that I have been not-so-patiently waiting for during the long three month summer hiatus. It's frustrating actually. As much as I want summer to last forever, I'm always secretly dying for the fall just so long-awaited season premieres will finally come on. I'm not the type of person who watches a ton of TV. In fact, I hardly ever watch TV just for the sake of flipping through channels. However, there are certain shows that pique my interest and usually, within watching one episode, I'm hooked. 

Along with all of my old shows, September brings new shows to the cable networks that are sometimes worth watching and sometimes not so much. Normally I'm a little late on the uptake when it comes to new shows, but one show caught my attention recently so I thought I would give it a chance and watch the first episode.

*Possible Spoilers*

The new show on Fox is called "New Girl" and although I am no professional television critic, I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. For those of you who don't know, the show features the quirky Zooey Deschanel who plays a recently brokenhearted girl named Jess. Her (ex) boyfriend cheats on her and she is forced to find a new place to live. Answering a Craiglist ad, she decides to move in with a trio of goofy strangers who go by Nick, Schmidt, and Coach (played by actors: Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield, and Damon Wayans Jr.).

The reasons to love this show are simple:

Jess's Quirkiness
She sings her own theme songs (Who's that girl?'s Jess!), references Lord of the Rings in casual conversation (an easy way to get into my nerdy heart), is completely naive when it comes to dating and men in general (overalls are not appropriate first-date attire), and lives in her own little world where "Rebecca Johnson" is considered a good stripper name. She's unbelievably dorky...So, what's not to love?

The Leading Gentlemen
And gentlemen they are. If at first you don't see it, look again. First we have Coach, who has difficulties speaking to women, as he tends to yell at them in perfect drill-sergeant  fashion when they are upset. Then we have Schmidt, who is the epitome of a desperate man trying too hard, resulting in losing a lot of money to their own version of a "swear jar." Then we have Nick, who recently has gone through a breakup (he was dumped) of his own. Out of the three, I must say Nick seems to be the most normal in the house.While at first it seems like they are annoyed at having a new female roommate (understandable, given that when shes upset she insists on watching "Dirty Dancing" six or seven times a day), they inevitably end up caring for her and by the end of the episode are trying to cheer her up when she gets stood up on a date.

The show has promise. It aired on Tuesday, September 20th at 9p.m. and had a total of 10 million viewers, beating the season premiere of "Glee" which also aired that night. The episode was Fox's highest-rated series premiere since "Bernie Mac" in 2001. I'll definitely be tuning in next week, so expect an update. Also, "The Vampire Diaries", "Supernatural", and "Gossip Girl" premieres have aired, or will be airing soon. As those are three of my favorite shows on television, expect to hear about those too.

I should warn that there may be spoilers in these updates so I'll try to give fair warning for those who don't want to know.

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